Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Trying Something New: Kids In The Kitchen

G has been showing a lot of interest in helping cook.

In an effort to further motivate him to learn the ways of the kitchen we have been making snacks that he can help with. This has prompted me to start a blog segment that I will call Kid's In The Kitchen. 

Since so many of my readers are mommy's I am sure you have seen the Disney Jr. segments That's Fresh. In the short they highlight an easy, delicious and (don't tell your kiddos) healthy snack/meal. Every time this segment comes on G tells me he wants to try it. So today's snack was one that we got from there. 

Here is a link to the video itself which will give you the recipe.
Here is what our's looked like.

Using a butter knife, G cut the watermelon into cubes.

He then added his greens.

His cheese.

Finally his watermelon and his dressing.

 It was so much better than I imagined it was going to be and probably the best part in my eyes is that it got G to eat leafy greens! Talk about a challenge but he looks to be enjoying it doesn't he?

Next week we start school and G can not wait! I am so happy that his want and love for learning is returning right in the nick of time. Summer is coming to an end and it is time to exercise the mind again.

Kids In The Kitchen is something I want to post about at least once a week. I will share the recipes we use or the idea behind what we decide to make each week. Mostly they will just be snacks but at times we will do meals. 

I love feedback. What are your thoughts on weekly installments of K.I.T.K? Do you have any recipes we may enjoy making together? 

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